Clover Hill Estates HOA

Welcome to the Clover Hill Estates neighborhood site!

Submit your birthdays and anniversaries for the neighborhood
every month to Pat Hall.

Take our homeowner survey! Please submit responses by April 1. 

HOA Dues for 2024 are due May 15!

(Online payment processed through PayPal, processing fees will be added.)

The Clover Hill Estates Homeowners Association exists to make our neighborhood the best it can be.

Please contact us with any comments, concerns and /or questions you have so that we can better serve you: 

We would also like to learn about you.  We welcome any contributions to our website.

Do you have a special hobby or interest you would like to tell our neighbors about or an interesting story to share? 

Would you like to send a special message to a neighbor?  Are you looking for a walking buddy?

If you have a great recipe, news article, or anything else that you would like to contribute, please drop us a line at .

We look forward to hearing from you and getting to know you better!